Welcome to Selsicon 2024
The Society of Laparoscopic and Endoscopic Surgeons of India (SELSI) is a body of approximately 4000 laparoscopic surgeons of India . It is organising its Annual National Congress “SELSICON 2024” on 17th-18th May 2024 at Jenny's Residency, Coimbatore, India. Live operative demonstrations will be an important part of the event and procedures will be telecasted from multiple international centres on an advanced e-platform.
This is an annual event usually attended by more than 1000 surgeons from across the country and abroad. The focus is on Minimally Invasive Surgery for General Surgeons including Hernia Surgery, Hepatobiliary Surgery, Minimally Invasive Endoscopic procedure, Laparoscopic Urological and Gynaecological procedures and VATS amongst other minimal access procedures. Live operative procedures will be streamed live from more than 20 renowned centres across the globe and 5 operation theatres at Coimbatore.

- Live demonstration of step by step minimal access surgeries by experienced national / international faculties.
- High resolution 3D / 4K viewing experience.
- Hands on experience with the latest innovations.
- An Extravagant banquet night experience
- Extensive Live coverage on Minimal Invasive surgeries
- Live surgeries by National and International Faculties of repute
- Organised by Team of Celioscope
- Full of Academics by Famous Teachers of the Country during PG CME
- Membership & Fellowship Examination of International College of Laparoscopic Surgeons (MCLS & FCLS) with Convocation
- Discussion on Complications, Management, Prevention of them in various sub specialty of MIS by Experts
- MIS GI surgeries, Endo Lap Urosurgeries, Endogynec and Laparoscopic Gynec Surgeies Live in 3 different Halls on 4 separate screens.
- Free and Competitive Paper presentations by delegates across the country
- State of Art Exhibition of Products by all Renowned companies
- Delegate's Self operating Video Library Corner through out the day
- Endotrainers and suturing stations for Delegates
- Post conference relaxation in Lapse of Nature, in and around Coimbatore